Leading database of private equity and venture capital investors at your fingertips
PrivateEquityList.com is a fast and easy-to-use platform to identify relevant private equity, venture capital and angel investors for any project, startup or a mature company.
PE/VC funds globally
Middle East, Africa, APAC
Global coverage with focus on
Contacts of investment teams
Financing options
Find and choose the right financing type for your project / startup from numerous financing options consolidated in one place
Premade lists
Already prepared investors list for hot industries
1,634 PE/VC funds
895 PE/VC funds
668 PE/VC funds
99 PE/VC funds
886 PE/VC funds
839 PE/VC funds
3,722 PE/VC funds
540 PE/VC funds
574 PE/VC funds
Impact investor
186 PE/VC funds
People of color
67 PE/VC funds
125 PE/VC funds
Promote your fund
Build trust and improve communication for your fund's success.
Attract interesting projects
Increase trust and transparency
Strengthen image and competitiveness
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Supercharge your fundraising!
Find the perfect private equity, venture capital and angel investors for your project or company. Access a comprehensive database, advanced search and filters. Unlock funding opportunities and reach new heights.
If our FAQ has no answers to your inquiries, just play with the website around some more. It is very simple
2. We have database of PE/VC funds that support women, LGBTQ and other minorities.
3. We focus on non-popular geographical regions such as MENA, APAC and even exotic regions where investor information is scattered and scarce (unlike in US/EU). Have you ever tried to find list investors of that operate in Bangladesh or Philippines? That’s not an easy task.
■ Startup founder searching for investors and seed financing
■ Investment research professional
■ Corporate finance consultant who is compiling a list of investors for your client
and anyone else who wants structured investor information.
1. Time. Just filter the investment criteria and get your investor contact list and save weeks of search.
2. Money. No need to pay money for uncertain results.
Focus on your startup!