Dundee VC formally began in 2010. The root of the idea was formed when Mark Hasebroock, Dundee VC’s founding and managing partner, raised money for his two e-commerce companies, and Hayneedle, in the late 1990s and early 2000s, respectively. Despite building two fast-growing tech startups in Omaha, the capital to grow them came from New York City and Sand Hill Road. That left Mark wondering why. Mark saw the problem and created his own solution: Dundee Venture Capital, to fund entrepreneurs like him building tech startups in cities like Omaha. Since, Mark has built a team to continue the missionof investing in early-stage tech founders across the Midwest. With 45 investments and $50M across two funds, the focus remains the same – partnering early with talented tech entrepreneurs in underserved capital markets and working closely with them to build a better future.